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ÇABAM is activated!

ÇABAM is activated!
Conflict Analysis and Peace Research Application and Research Center within Ibn Haldun University started its work.

Conflict Analysis and Peace Research Application and Research Center within Ibn Haldun University started its work with its new staff. ÇABAM is chaired by Dr. İdlir Lika, the vice president is Dr. Ahmet Yusuf Özdemir will conduct it.

ÇABAM Central Executive Board consists of the following names:

Dr. Member Idlir Lika

Dr. Ahmet Yusuf Özdemir

Assoc. Prof. Ali Aslan

Dr. Najiba Mustafayeva

RA. Mustafa Yildirim


ÇABAM Advisory Board members consist of the following names:

Dr. Idlir Lika

Dr. Ahmet Yusuf Özdemir

Prof. Dr. Yaşar Sari

Dr. Sümeyye Kaya Uyar

IHU prioritizes qualified intellectual production with the rich research opportunities it offers in its research centers; It has adopted the principle of producing solutions to the problems experienced in our country, region and on a global scale with its application possibilities and thus creating values that will last for the future.

IHU prioritizes qualified intellectual production with the rich research opportunities it offers in its research centers; It has adopted the principle of producing solutions to the problems experienced in our country, region and on a global scale with its application possibilities and thus creating values that will last for the future. In this sense, our research centers; Initiating and sustaining research projects in various fields and disciplines, providing professional expertise and consultancy services to these projects; In this context, they continue their activities to improve cooperation with both public institutions and the private sector, NGOs and international organizations.

Conflict Analysis and Peace Research Application and Research Center continues its work for the following purposes.

(a) Creating a center of excellence in Türkiye and internationally

(b) To ensure that students studying at undergraduate or graduate level in the fields of conflict analysis and peace studies, international relations, political science, and modern Turkey studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and other faculty units of the University have access to information within the scope of all kinds of research and analysis regarding these fields.

(c) To conduct in-depth studies and research on Turkey's political, cultural, ethnic, religious and socio-economic problems, and to support academic publications and research in this field.

(d) To conduct research on political, ethnic, religious, cultural and economic conflicts in Turkey's immediate basin, to examine the effects of these conflicts on Turkey and to support research in this field.

(d) To conduct research in line with the understanding of global political, economic, ecological and cultural problems, and to make academic and practical suggestions to solve these problems by peaceful means.

(e) To support various educational activities at all levels for the development of a culture of peace and reconciliation in Turkey and to cooperate nationally and internationally on these issues.

(f) To share the results of the research produced with the country and the world public opinion and policy making institutions through various academic publications, reports, conferences, visual and print media.